James Larkhill

Love Life Mistry


Life - Through The Eyes Of A Poet

LOVE LIFE MYSTERY - an inspired book of poetry that spot lights the abundant spectrum of life by poet and author, James Larkhill.

Common Sense

I will no longer sit on the fence
When discussing the subject of common sense
For the majority of souls it is not there
It seems in fact to be "very rare"


As the tree rings each passing year
    our eternal dawn comes ever near
Which destination will we fear?
Purgatory, heaven or hell;
    on this we may dwell.
But from our actions
    we are able to foretell.

Fate Train

Now, oh now the dream is nigh;
     the curtain falls just one more time.
Reflections of my life and loves
     sends down a tear into a flood.
Oh what a moment my life has been:
The paths I chose, the gates I closed,
     what could have been...
Oh such foresight some earlier day,
  to send me on the profitable way,
     rather than the rails of the fate train.

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